Friday, December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! 

I know it's been a while since I've posted, I took a hiatus from Postcrossing and blogging, but I'm soooo happy to be back and in the swing of things, again.

Here are all the lovely postcards that I've received this Holiday Season.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday Favorites #6

Florida, United States: I love the St. Augustine Lighthouse! I've climbed to the top before! A lovely view of Historic St. Augustine from the top.I was very pleased to see this one in my mailbox. From Koyohtay in the US to US Round Robin on The Postcrossing Forum.

Poland: Owls are my wishlist and this is one of the cutest owl postcards I've received. This is from Marcin in the Poland Round Robin

Czech Republic: Another great owl card, this was a week of amazing owls! This was is a maxicard which is pretty rare to receive on the official site. I just love this one so much!

New Mexico, United States: I love these comic-style cards. This one is from Nowaglas in the US to US Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum.

Colorado, United States: Another super cute owl! This one is from TandemStoker in the US to US Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum.

Texas, United States: I love indigenous art and this owl is Inuit! How cool! This one is from JasonFay in the US to US Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum.


Sent on an official Postcrossing card from a Postcrosser in Sweden.


These two lovely stamps were on a card sent from Stongia in the Many Themes Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum.

Czech Republic:
This stamp was received on the back of the owl maxicard from the official site.


This super cute puppy stamp was on a postcard from KDA in Kansas, USA, but he includes cool world stamps on his cards as well, love it!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Self-Printed Postcard

Greetings from Orlando, Florida!

I post the question... what do you think about self-printed postcards? I've asked several Postcrossers and many don't mind them as long as they are of good quality. I can't say I really have an opinion, I think I prefer not to receive self-printed ones, but I have been interested in making some of my own. That probably makes no sense, but I do love the creativity of it. I just don't know if I feel confident enough in my photography skills.

Here are some self-printed postcards I've received:

Maybe this one, but it's so well done, even the back of it, that I can't tell:

I don't really know how if I feel about these... the top one with the orange cat could pass as professional since the cat seems to be posing. The middle one, I like that it's a house on the postcard since I collect them... however, I do feel like it just looks like a regular photograph and is poorly centered. The bottom one, because of the graphics looks somewhat professionally done, however, it's unattractive.

I appreciate the creativity involved and I'm not knocking them at all. If I ever printed my own cards, I'd be lucky if they came out half this good. Many of the "tourist" cards from Orlando are hideous and look like they're still from the 80s and 90s. Due to the ugliness of postcards available for my city, I have considered using some of my own photographs. Maybe take some pictures of the swans at Lake Eola or local beaches? It would be quite a challenge to take a photograph good enough, but again I love being creative.

What are your personal thoughts on self-printed postcards? I do sometimes feel a little ripped-off when I receive one.I try to send only the loveliest postcards of great quality. For example, the cat cards above were received in the Cat Tag on the Postcrossing Forum. The people that I tagged, I sent postcards from the Breed Collection from Postallove. Of course, part of what is so fun about Postcrossing is the surprise of what will be in the mailbox and you can't be too picky.

Making my own postcards is definitely something I think about a lot. I'd love to see some of your self-prints or self-printed postcards you've received in the comments!

Warm Wishes,

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Vintage Florida Postcards

Greetings from Orlando, Florida!

I received some vintage Florida postcards in the mail. I purchased them off eBay and I am so happy with them, they bring me so much joy! Being an (almost) native Floridian- I've lived here since I was a baby, but I was born in Georgia- I have an obsession with all things Old Florida. If I could go back in time, I'd love to see how my state was "in the old days". Even my memories of growing up here in the 80s and 90s are so different then how Florida looks now. There's been so much development. My old elementary school Waterbridge Elementary was surrounded by cow pastures and now there's so many neighborhoods and hotels (the school is in the shadow of Sea World) that it's one of the busiest parts of the city.

Anyways, enough reminiscing, some of the coolest things about these cards are that some of these places I've actually visited.

Downtown Orlando:

Downtown looks quite different now, but some of the historic buildings still remain. Downtown is just such a lovely place, I once heard Orlando was voted as having one of the most beautiful Downtown areas in the nation... which likely lends to our motto "The City Beautiful".

Lake Eola:

Citizens of Orlando are obsessed with Lake Eola, it's a symbol of our city. It's a gathering place and popular for it's fountain, swans, farmer's market, and all-around lovely atmosphere in the center of Downtown. My grandmother would take me here as a child to play on the playground, we have a picnic with KFC chicken. Now, I bring my children to Lake Eola to play on the playground and feed the swans.

Bok Tower and Gardens:

My husband and I just visited Bok Tower and Gardens- famous for it's Singing Tower- a few weeks ago. It was such a lovely place. The tower has the most astounding presence. It's has the ambiance of a spiritual place and seems esoteric in some way. I can't describe it, but you get the feelings that there is or was more going on here. My husband noticed much of the symbolism in the tower art are similar to symbolism used by "secret societies" like the Masons or occult groups.

Here's some pictures of our trip:

Old School House, St. Augustine:

I first visited St. Augustine when I was in 4th grade and on a field trip. Fourth grade is when we learned Florida History. St. Augustine is a wonderful place, it so historic and all-around wonderful. It's also a very affordable day trip for those living in Orlando. I've walked past the Old School House several times (in St. Augustine... it's ALL walking) and I've been inside a couple times.

Mead Botanical Garden:

Mead Botanical Gardens is honestly nothing too special. It's a cool place though, since it's a garden and it's free... but there's not much more to it other than just being a garden and there's not too much to the gardens either. Pretty standard, but again free, and enough to wear out children walking around.

The other cards which I received are for places in Florida I haven't yet visited, my favorite one is this home in Coral Gables. I collect postcards of homes and this one is so Florida! This looks like so many older homes in Florida.

There's also postcards from two hotels, I'm not sure if they are still around, or if maybe the hotels were turned into something else. Both are in Panama City.

This one is for a place called Monkey Jungle near Miami:

Sarasota Jungle Gardens in Sarasota:

Some of them are just miscellaneous:

A few of them are written and stamped, I wish I could read the handwriting better. Most are just short messages, The message on the back of the Hotel Marie postcard in Panama City has an interesting message, it makes me wonder so much about the people who wrote these postcards. The Hotel Marie one was sent to Miss Joyce Kennedy in Brooklyn, New York.

It says, "Hi Honey I am reading your letters at lest once a day. They can sure make me feel good. We're supposed to go out deep sea fishing tomorrow on the Gulf. Maybe my luck will change and I'll catch something. How are all the studies coming along? Tell me do you still remember the date of your first date? (That ought to keep you busy) Love Tommy."

He underline 'love'... however it appears Miss Joyce Kennedy was in Kings County Hospital according to the address. I wonder what the relationship of these two people?

This has really made a little obsessed with vintage postcards, especially old Florida ones. If you want to see some more of my vintage postcards, I have a Collection on Flickr.

Warm Wishes,

Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday Favorites #5

New Jersey, United States: Owls, Other Birds, and a Bat, from Alexander Wilson, American Orintology or The Natual History of the Birds of the United States. From American Museum & Natural History. Sent by MarieMe in the US to US Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum.

Ohio, United States: Painting of a bicycle by Marina Urdaeva. Sent by JanW1988 in the US to US Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum.

Colorado, United States: Denver Postcard! Oh, how I'd love to be back in Denver! We hope to visit again next year, for a long period of time.

Germany: I've been thinking a lot about "feeding my mind" lately, so this Keep Calm postcard was a great choice for me! From Many Themes Round Robin on the Postcrossing Forum, sender SchwesterSusi.


Czech Republic: This stamp was actually sent from America by KDA in Kansas on the Postcrossing Forum's US to US Round Robin.

Warm Wishes,

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Kathy Madigan- Post Office

Greetings from Orlando, Florida,

A couple weeks ago, Chris and I were watching Kathy Madigan's latest stand-up special, Madigan Again on Netflix. She is one of our favorite stand-up comedians, she is so hilarious! I also love that she's a female comedian who doesn't have to rely on dirty jokes and talking about how big of a "slut" she is, like Amy Schumer and many others.

In Madigan Again, Kathy Madigan's does a bit about stamps and it was a great surprise. Here it is below:

Warm Wishes,

Saturday, June 3, 2017


Greetings from Orlando, Florida!

I decided to put up some postcards for swap on my Flickr page. I don't typically like swaps, but I have some nice Postallove postcards, that I'm always unsure of sending. These are my personal favorites from my collection, so I always want to send them to someone who will really like them and appreciate them. What better way to ensure someone will really like the postcard, other than just letting someone choose it? 

I, personally, am not normally a big fan of swaps, since what I love about Postcrossing is the surprise. I don't really like knowing what postcard will be in the mailbox ahead of time. Oh well, swapping is a great way to build a collection. 

Here's a few of my favorites that are up for swap.

Anna Rudak- Narcisse

Anna Rudak- Night

Wiktor Najbor- Tenement No. 3, Eviction

Smoking Couple

Like what you see? Want to see more? Check out my Flickr page and leave a comment with your swaps.

All postcards shown above were originally purchased on Postallove.